Being parents to 3 beautiful children, we of course had to plan our anniversary carefully. Thank goodness to an angel of an aunt of mine who babysitted our kids we were able to celebrate it this year. We have not really celebrated the past few years so this time it was better planned. Dinner was home cooked (that's always the best anyway). As both of us love meat, for sure dinner was Steak!!! We bought 2 generous portions of Angus Grain Fed Ribeye steaks to grill and with it we had vegetables and chips. Hubby did all the cooking because he's a much better cook than I am. The meal was 11 on the scale of 10. It was heavenly!
Later we went to watch a movie, Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. We both enjoyed the show however after knowing that the re-make of 'Clash of the Titans' was coming soon, Percy Jackson seemed to be more a teenage flick. We had about an hour to kill before the movie started and so we went to have some drinks. It was so nice to be chatting and laughing away without any distractions. No kids screaming for attention, crying kids to comfort or telling off to be done. I really miss chatting with my husband which when I look back was how things started off for us. We got to know each other through endless conversations over the phone.
Movie finished close to midnight and we could not believe how tired we were. Plus the fact that both of us were working the next day was not comforting. However it was a lovely night and I look forward to celebrating more anniversaries with my pride and joy of a man, my lovely husband!