My eldest just had his sports day last Saturday and this is the first ever sports day I have attended. I brought my daughter along to see her brother run his little obstacle course and she was so excited. She wanted to see his school for ages and will be joining her brother in that school soon (2012) so I thought it best to ensure that she likes the school. Anyway we were there by 8am and the kids were all lined up ready to go to the field.
The race Hazim ran was going around 2 hula hoops, running between a few cones and around one more hoop and then running all the way back. His team was yellow ( Kenari) house and they won first place. Watching all the little fellas run was so adorable.
After everything and we finished at 9.45am, the 3 of us went off to eat roti canai. It was a good day and I am so proud of my boy!

The parents tents which I did not sit under because I wanted to be close to the course to cheer on my son.
Ready to run!!!

The Cheerleaders!!!!
Proud sister cheered him on!

Getting the medal (His team won 1st place!!!!! ) Hurray!!!!!!
What a fun day! Congrats on the medal Hazim!