Here's a picture of Hazim around a year old and the latest picture of him (school registration photo). Can you see how much my boy has grown? Gone are those chubby baby cheeks.
My princess also has grown. Now she is going on 5 years of age (which is very soon). She's my girly girl. Always insist on wearing pretty dresses and loves putting on make-up. In fact I think she's more adept at putting on make-up than her own mummy. Here's a baby picture of her at around 4 months and her latest photo all dolled up with lipstick.
Last but not least my littlest. The baby of the family. He's now my babbling baby. Now he's already walking and trying to communicate. Before I know it he's going off to school. How I wish I can freeze time and have them at this age forever but life goes on.
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