Just thinking back about my old handphones and remembering how it was like before handphones came into the picture. We would have had to walk around to find phonebooths which sadly to say many were not in working order. Plus the old dial house phones were classic too. I must say I am glad for the creation of mobile phones that keep us connected easily. Without it we would be so stressed in times of emergencies.

Anyway my first handphone was the classic Nokia with the extendable aerial. It was as big as a water tumbler and was definitely to be carried around in a big handbag. I used this in Uni to keep in touch with family and I still remember the service provider
was Optus (in Australia). I had free Sunday calls.

My second phone was the Motorola Flare also with extendable aerial. The batteries could be recharged separately. So I would talk for hours with then boyfriend (but now hubby) while the battery was charging and replace the battery to recall once the current battery ran out. Whatever did we talk about for hours??

Then I replaced it with a smaller Ericsson phone. It was cuter and more fashionable. I was already working then and when I got my bonus I upgraded to Siemens C55. There was no colour screens but it had handsfree which was pretty cool then. 

However camera phones were just coming in and so I upgraded again to Nokia 7250 which had only a 0.3 megapixel camera I think. Sad in comparison to the camera phones now available but it worked well as most Nokia phones do and lasted a long while.
My hubby then got me a Nokia 6630 which really nice to use. However it got stolen...boo hoo! I had taken some really nice pictures of my then baby girl which was all lost. The nerve of that thief, he actually picked up the phone when I rang it. I pleaded with him to return the phone...silly me...of course he would not...he was a thief!!

Now I am using a Sony Ericsson Walkman phone. It has a 2 mega-pixel camera. At first was gung-ho at using the walkman function but now notice that I use the camera more for those ad-hoc moments. I am so tempted to upgrade with all the new camera phones out there but then again as long as the phone works I'll just settle with just using it for now. After all I'm not really a trendsetter or a trend follower, I am just me!
Glad to see you've thrown in a few Nokia ones as well ;)